Call For Artists
Sealevel is hosting their very first group art show themed «Summer In The Sunset»
and would like you to be part of it!
ART SHOW OPENING: Saturday, July 15, 1 PM-5 PM
SHOW DURATION: July 15 - September 30, 2023
We are looking for work inspired by the unique, summer climate conditions in the Sunset and San Francisco.
Deadline to submit is June 27th at midnight. All online submissions must be received between May 1st and June 27th, 2023. Submit up to 10 works of art. Sizes of work and number of overall submissions will determine how many pieces to be included.
OPENING CELEBRATION is Saturday, July 15th, from 1 PM to 5 PM with a Contributing Artist Group Photo at 3 PM.
Would you like to join the Sealevel Community and have your work featured in our summer art show? Become a contributor! If you are selected to participate we will let you know which pieces are accepted before art drop off.
We will be accepting selected art from July 6-11, 2023. All work is due, ready to hang no later than 6 pm on Tuesday, July 11 (unless other arrangements have been made).
Volunteer! We are looking for people interested in connecting with the community, so we ask that if you become a contributing artist, you attend the opening celebration event and consider signing up for a gallery shift during the season (signing up for a gallery shift is NOT mandatory but highly encouraged).
Please email ahoy@sealevelsf.com with questions, and we will get back to you ASAP. Thanks!