Adding texture to landscapes
A Watercolor Workshop with Alice Tu
Tuesday, August 20 / 7 - 8:30 PM
$40 class, or $55 for class + materials
For me, nothing quite beats capturing the grandeur of a landscape with watercolor. A simple landscape can really come alive with some added texture for detail and interest.
In this class, Alice will walk you through how to compose your landscape painting. We’ll start by laying down initial washes of color, add depth with darker colors and gradients, and finish with small brush strokes to create texture and pattern. She’ll also provide a few sample reference photos and paintings for you to view and paint from.
Please bring the following materials:
• Watercolor brush - size 6 or 8
• Watercolor paint set
• Palette for mixing paints - a white plate works well
• Water container - an empty jar works well
• A cloth rag or paper towel
• Watercolor paper - 2 sheets, size 5x7 or larger, or a notebook
• 1-2 landscape photos to use as reference.
Or you can use some photo references I will share.
• Pencil + eraser (optional)
About Alice: I started painting in watercolor as a casual way to capture my environment visually. I love how portable and low-fuss they are which helps me to paint most days. I love introducing watercolor to others and see them quickly get lost in the act of creating. You can view some of my work on my website.
Please email Alice with any questions!